Successful claim of Health insurance plans for self

When you file for a claim under your cheapest Mediclaim policy, including Mediclaim for senior citizens, you need to understand that you will need to organize all of your medical documents and evidences of your medical history. All of these documents must be submitted to your insurance provider, that’s us. We will examine your documents and then process the claim accordingly.

You should keep all your communication details accessible, and only submit those details that are registered under your name and are still functional. When you submit your claim form, make sure to double check and make sure that all your documents have been duly attached. Any discrepancy here will require you to re-submit the missing documents within the next 15 days.

In case of planned hospitalization under your cheapest Mediclaim policy, including Mediclaim for senior citizens, you should state the same during pre-authorization. This will help you save a lot of time and allow us to help you in every way we can.