5 Major Reasons your Travel Claim can get Rejected

Fronting a claim rejection is the last thing that you would want to come across when you are back from your holiday. Being oblivious about the terms and conditions of your travel insurance policy can make your touch down a bit distressing.

Do we pay our premiums only to end up getting upset when our claim is rejected? Certainly not! Buying cover for your travel and then getting unwelcome surprises in response is not what you would want. And you usually thoroughly understand the terms and conditions when it’s too late – when your claim gets rejected!

To save yourself from the stress of your travel insurance claim rejection, it is important to understand what the major reasons behind it are. So here is a list of the major 5 reasons that can land you in trouble with your travel insurance-

When you haven’t Read the Fine Print

When you file a claim for something you are not covered for, then it becomes obvious that it will be turned down. Not reading the policy document carefully or not opting for the cover that you need, are usually the two reasons behind this.  Hope you know that “half-baked knowledge is a dangerous thing!”

If you choose to buy a policy without considering its terms and conditions then it’s your loss. It is a consumer’s responsibility to read through the policy documents conscientiously to understand the coverage well.

When you Hide your Medical History

This is a misconception among people that if you hide your medical history, you are at a profit as you pay lower premiums. Absolutely not! You do pay lower premiums but do not get covered for a number of ailments, which in fact is a bigger loss!

Insurance is an agreement that needs to be transparent, as the entire contract is based upon the veracity of the facts declared in it. When you hide things you are at loss in the long run.

When you get High on Alcohol and Drugs or Indulge in Adventure Sports

If you end up having an accident or mishap on your trip while you are high on alcohol or drugs, then your cover becomes null and void! This means that you may be covered for the same event while you are sober, but not when you are high.

Adventure sports generally feature in the exclusions of a travel insurance policy. However, if you are planning an adventure trip, it is always wise to ask your insurance provider the coverage that you are entitled to.

When you do not have the Proof

When you make a claim, your insurer needs proof of everything that you’ve claimed for. So you must keep all proofs in place to make a claim. If you miss out on some bills, you don’t get reimbursed for them.

When you Travel Into the Danger Zone

If you are visiting a place where travel warnings have been issued and something unfortunate happens, then it is most probable that you won’t be covered for it. Standard travel insurance policies won't cover you. Always check for travel warnings to make certain that the place you are traveling to is safe to visit or not.

When you travel, make it a point to travel worry-free. Gear up for the experience, and stay prepared for contingencies with a travel insurance policy that keeps you well-covered all around.

**To understand exactly about the policy coverage, exclusions, etc. read the Policy Wordings carefully.**

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