What are some of the major exclusions?
- Fines and penalties and claims for seepage or pollution.
- Excluded territories/jurisdiction.
- Claims for bodily injury, property damage.
- Known acts prior to inception.
- War & nuclear risks.
- Waiver of subrogation.
- Criminal acts, libel, slander or other defamations and professional liabilities e.g. architects, managers, etc.
- Major Shareholders Exclusion: Any claim brought by major shareholders having more than stipulated % of the voting stock or by any security holder unless the security holders without instigation and totally independent of major shareholders brings about the claim.
- Pending and Prior litigation exclusion.
- Entity EPLI and Entity Security claims (except if covered as an extension).
- Auto acquisition of subsidiaries with an asset size of more than stipulated %.
- Environmental liability & ADR claims originating from US/Canada.