It pays you the sum insured in case the policyholder gets hospitalised for 48 hours.
The insurance policy is available to an adult between 18 and 65 years of age.
The policy does not require any medical test prior to taking the policy.
For a child, the cover is available from an entry age of 91days to the maximum age of 23 years.
The sum insured options are available up to ₹1 lakh in multiples of ₹5,000.
Covers family members including spouse, children, brothers, sisters, parents, and parents in law.
What it Covers?
Dengue fever
Lymphatic Filariasis
Japanese Encephalitis
Zika Virus
Major Exclusions
Any claim if Insured was already diagnosed and had not fully recovered from any of the listed vector-borne diseases at the time of purchase of the policy.
Any claim based on certification/ diagnosis/ treatment from persons not registered as Medical Practitioners, or from a Medical Practitioner who is practicing outside the discipline that he is licensed for, or any diagnosis or treatment that is not scientifically recognized or Unproven/Experimental Treatment, or is not Medically Necessary or any kind of self-medication and its complications.
Any claim where the insured has delayed the medical treatment Wilful Act or Gross Negligence – Injury, disease or damage due to willful act including attempting suicide or intentional self-injury, self-exposure to needless peril (except in an attempt to save human life) or gross negligence of the Insured person or his/her family
Consequential Loss – Any consequential or indirect loss or expenses arising out of or related to any insured event.
We may cancel the policy on grounds of fraud, moral hazard or misrepresentation or non-cooperation by sending 15 (fifteen) days notice under-recorded delivery to You at Your last known address and in such event, We will return to You, except in case of fraud or illegality on Your part, the premium paid less the pro-rata portion thereof for the period the Policy has been in force.
Insured may cancel this Policy by sending 15 (fifteen) days written notice to us. We will then allow a refund after retaining the premium based on the policy tenure.